Wednesday, May 31
> Smoking = bad?
Does smoking makes one a bad person? Or should i phrase it this way, are smokers deemed as an ahbeng or ahlian?
To me, i totally disagree. I believe people will change. Its just a matter of changing for the better, or the worst.
But there's just this constant thought in me that made me very ashamed of being a smoker, especially with friends that dont. Im not saying that smoking is something very honourable, but neither do i see a need in pretending i dont smoke when i actually do.
I started smoking when i was still a delinquent (hmmm?). It was a choice i regretted for the next 4 years of my life, to date. "Quit it!" people said. But dearies, its easier said than done. Im sure there are many who successfully quit the bad habit, but as much as i wish to, i tried and i failed.
I believed im no longer a delinquent, and ive grown and matured over the years. No longer so naive and childish, no longer behaving like a teen (though in actual fact i still am a TEENager).
So quit using your coloured glasses to view me. Maybe someday, with the help of somebody, or something, bringing great motivation and strengthening my determination level, i might actually quit it completely. Maybe, one day.
That just doesnt matter.
Im gonna take a short nap before i make my journey down to my usual studying spot. So near yet so far!
Last night, i left my place at 10pm and together with my sister, took a damn bus to Kallang MacDonalds, glueing our butts on the red sit and sat there mugging away till 3.30am. I had to wake up at 9am for lecture this morning, that's how bad it is when tests and exams are nearing.
Its so gonna be like that for the next 2 weeks or so before i start partying away. Many more birthday celebrations coming up, i just cant wait for the papers to end.
Tonight will make no difference from last's. See you there!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:16:00 pm
Sunday, May 28
> freaking stressed LEH
Freaking stressed. I feel so bloody stressed up but i cant do a thing about it.
Term test coming, dance concert coming, market prices kept flunctuating, mahjong kept losing, nightmares kept coming, insecurities overwhelming, sleepy spells neverending, hunger never stopped coming.
BTM test tomorrow, and i havent revised a single bit for today. Got home at about 9.30am this morning. BBQ "chalet" at Jun Quan's place last night with the BSC peeps. Didnt sleep at all. So freaking tired. My eyes are already tiny enough, i could hardly open it during the mahjong game. No energy to even talk, just wanted to quickly finish up the game so i can go get some rest.
BUT!! No beds available, had to sleep on the sofa. Gave up in the end and went home with Tat Ming. Thanks hun.
I feel so outta place with the BSC already. I used to have so much fun with them especially when they all treated me as their little bunny that no one can bully except them. Now, i feel like a passe.
Yea yeah, like what i always say. When the novelty sets down, another novelty comes up. (what eng?!)
Woke up only at 6pm. But still feeling very sleepy now. Wanna start studying but no concentration. Sis's friends are around, taking up my study area. Feel like sleeping. Feeling hungry but cant eat. Need to start dieting.
Why am i always feeling hungry huh huh huh. I hope i fall sick and lose all appetite. Sew my lips tight together, make me stop eating!!
Sorry. Too stressed up already. ARGH. The stock market is making me go crazy soon. Cant the US federation just stop increasing the interest rates during this time period and let the market share prices to increase like siao first. LOL.
smack me somebody. let me sleep forever.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:50:00 pm
Friday, May 26
> short hair? Or long hair?
My friendster viewers hit a crazy number of 2000+. Total madness. I wonder who is so free to actually view my profile every now and then.

Staying home on a friday night to catch up on my beauty rest later on. So freaking tired everyday.
Class outing today was uhmm, quite a success? 2/3 of the class turned up. Went to Pizza Hut with a famished tummy that could almost devour the entire cow (right or not shalyn? hehe) and left the place with a bloated tummy. YUMMY. And the best part of it all is, ITS FREE!! wooohooo. Typical Singaporean. lol
Im contemplating if i should cut my hair short. Yes, short!
2 years back i cut my hair really short after the break up because it was too big for me to deal with. I regretted so damn much i told myself by hook or by crook im gonna leave it long again.
But it seems like now i got jaded of having long hair. Cos it can get really messy like that..

.. on bad hair days.
I was thinking if i should cut it to about this length..

But hair at this length can be really hot too and sometimes its too short to tie up.
Opinions please!!

But i do like my long hair now. Just that it gets messy and outta hand at times.
Cut or not to cut?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 7:00:00 pm
Thursday, May 25
> X-Men 3 !!
I just caught X-men 3 with Denise, Celine, Bird, Teddy, Edwin, Leroy, Sperm and SiWei at Plaza Singapura just now. It was gooooooodddd. But, i dont really like the plot of it. WHY WHY WHY??! I prefer the part 2 though. Outta 5, i guess im giving it a 3.5.
First time sitting in Edwin's car. wooohooo!! When shall it be my turn to drive my friends around?
Oh yes, the first and only friend that had sat in my car so far is none other than Mr Wayne. Other than that, i guess the rest would have to wait for another long long time.
I almost had a car crashed on Monday while i drove to school. =(
And today i finally received the license!! But i look damn ugly in it lah.
My term test timetable sucks like totally. Mon, Tues and FRI paper. wth. Cant they have it like on Wed? I wanna have a longer term break! Holidays anyone?
Shall start revising soon. No school tomorrow! Hopefully i'll wake up early enough to revise for the upcoming BTM test on Monday. Boohooooo
This is so random but i just needed to pass time while waiting for Mr Goh's phonecall. So tired and sleepy already.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:50:00 am
Tuesday, May 23
> Happy 19th!
Im so sorry i havent updated since my birthday celebration. Havent really had the time. Late is better than never aye?
On 19th May (which happens to be my birthday eve), i celebrated my 2 years anniversary of independence. This time, i had the companion of my barbies, whom i had dinner with in celebration to Angie and my birthday at SiamKitchen.

People present except Hk.

This year, i had 3 birthday cakes. So does that mean that i have 3 birthday wishes? LOL

Thanks for the GUESS bag. Now i realised all the barbies' birthday this year so far receives stuffs from GUESS only. Lol.

All 14 of us, thanks for coming!

I love the barbies.
Later that night, further continued my birthday celebration with my bestie Shalyn, the BBCs, Meiting and Bird, Lynn and big hug to Jing Ping who came down to MoS. No, i didnt drink much, neither did i get high or drunk.
Thanks Shalyn for the Clinque blusher, Thanks Meiting and Bird for the body moisturiser which i lost it in MoS =( and thanks David and Edelyn for the candles.
Left the club at about 3am and headed for supper at Adam's. Home at 5am, totally shag!
On the actual birthday day itself (20th May), i woke up at an alarming hour and quickly prepared and rushed down to town to meet my beachmates.
Dinner at Galilee and friends in Cineleisure. And they so had to surprise me with a cheesecake. Big hugs to all!

Thanks girlies!

These are the ones who made my day memorable. I love the NUM bag so much. <3
Caught Da Vinci Code after that. Its a pretty good movie, really. I was quite afraid that i wont be able to understand it since i didnt read the book. So, Teddy told me to focus during the movie.
Guess what? Its the first time im ever so focused catching a movie. Ive never been so engrossed in the theatre before. And yes, i managed to understand the movie and i swear its good.
Got home about 2am that night.
But that's not all!
The next day, the BSC mates came over to my place for a steamboat dinner (which of cos is to celebrate my birthday).
Heh heh. No pictures this time cos everyone was busy eating. Had a great time. Thanks sweets for the $100 gift voucher from tannlines, i can now get a new bikini! YAY!
Ive been eating too much the last weekend. Skipped jogging yesterday because i had to revise for my CRA. Hopefully jogging is still on tomorrow because i feel freaking fat now.
Oh yes, i love the GUESS bag mummy bought me because it was on sale. And no, im not and i wont take that as a birthday present. MUMMY CAN I HAVE A DIGICAM PLEASEeeeeeeeeeee?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:29:00 pm
Saturday, May 20
> Birthday? My foot.
Why do i feel like crying on my birthday? Oh im sorry, i already did.
Why is it that i never felt special on this day? Wrong company? Wrong programme? I doubt.
If people really bothered and really cared, nothing will even turn out as something. Something amazingly touching. But instead, nothing was still nothing.
Other people celebrate their birthday with lots of joy and fun and pictures. But me? Isolation, neglection and tears.
Am i asking too much? Or am i just so intolerable?
Why make me cry on every birthday?
Am i being too sensitive? Or am i just too emotional?
Why cant i have a happy and memorable birthday.
I feel like a total fiasco. And i am one, all along, right from the start.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:41:00 pm
Thursday, May 18
> market crash!
Ever since my SAPM project started, i panick like one hell of a mad woman whenever i see the share price dropping. 2 days ago, the market crashed. I almost turned insane. But seeing that my group wasnt badly affected, i managed to simmer down and look on the bright side hoping that it will rise again.
Today, market was on the verge of recovery. Hk (our lifesaver for the entire project) threw in 100 lots of more warrants and we earned about 11K. I was ecstatic of course. But now, i so wanna faint again. The market is deemed to crash tomorrow because US market is currently down by 187 points (and counting) and we have not enough cashflow to do a hedge. OMFG!! Suddenly i felt so stress.
I do admit that i really suck at this game. But hey, im trying to get a hang of it and hoping to contribute more and not just kpkb whenever the share price drop. Give me some time man, you know ive never read the papers nor bother about the world's economy or politics.
Enough about that. Angie suggested me stating a wishlist. Hmm, will it help? *ponders
I want a fairlady!
And tons and tons and tons of money!
Just kidding.
Realistically, i would really love a Guess bag, that particular NUM bag, a new Roxy or Ripcurl Bikini, a new watch like Fossil or Guess or Marc Ecko, a digicam, a new handphone (V3X?) and peace to the world! (woah so bimbo) and please please, market recovery!!!
This is so lame. But really, dont bother getting just anything for the sake of buying something. You may even buy nothing but turn up for my birthday or wish me happy birthday at 12 sharp and i would be more than glad. I kinda like got used to such treatment since i was 12. So, its really okay.
As materialistic as i can be, i just wanna feel loved on this special day of mine.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:17:00 am
Wednesday, May 17
> Driving for the 3rd time! (only =\)
I feel so safe now that im home. I wasnt really in a relaxed mood when i met the guys for supper just a while ago.
Its so frightening when i sneak outta house already. Now, sneaking outta da house together with the car really adds on to my paranoia. Even when i were to pass my dad's stage to drive the car alone, driving out for supper past midnight is still quite a challange. Bah, how much i hate it.
I foresee that i wont be able to drive out for my birthday dinner with my barbies this Friday, neither would i be able to drive out to MOS after that. Needless to say drive out for my birthday celebration on Sat with the others. How very sad.
But its okay i guess. Felt pretty touched when dad drove all the way to school to pick me up, waiting for 45 minutes doing nothing (or maybe ogling at girls but i bet not) at the carpark so i could drive the car back home.
Every possible chance of letting me drive, he would. And i feel so touched and pampered. Initially, mom and i thought that there would be no chances that dad will let me take the driver's seat since the car is his baby. He even added my name to the driving policy. Awwwwwww, so blessed!
9111 can now be cruising down the highway, by yours truly! Wooohoooooooo~
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:37:00 am
Sunday, May 14
> so random
I caught Poseidon with Lyn and Kevin yesterday evening and i swear that's one of the nicest flick i caught this year. I rate it 4 popcorns outta 5, so please go watch!
Initially i thought the story line would be similiar to Titanic and ya know, all the romance starts coming in in the midst of the sinking ship. But nah, it wasnt exactly like that. I almost teared because there were certain parts that was too touching.
Now i have second thoughts about having a cruise getaway because i cant freaking hell swim. Okay, actually i can and as a matter of fact, i had 2 swimming certificates. But ya, i have a phobia for water and i panick and struggle and go crazy every time i try to swim. So that's that, i cant swim. (oh yea, i heard the word Loser)
I spent da entire Mothers' day today at home, rejuvenating and revising. Bought mom a top from Kaco on Friday after sentosa with da mates at Marina Square. Been long since i saw my ex colleagues so i decided to pay them a visit. Only managed to see Polly and Albin. But it was er..good enough?
I hope dad fulfills his promise to let me drive to school tomorrow. So damn excited! And i foresee that it would be even more stress when my dad sits beside me than the tester. He would be so paranoid and comment on every thing.
Cant wait to pass my dad's stage and be a full time qualified driver. I wanna drive on my days of birthday celebration. Oh come on, make my birthday wish come true!
Everyone has their own secret, their very own darkest secret. I
have had one. Oh gawd, just what exactly was i thinking when i revealed my darkest secret to somebody who failed to make me trust him completely? Just kill me.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:59:00 pm
Saturday, May 13
> Advance birthday gift from me, to me.
Amber's a freaking happy bunny today.
I just gave myself an advance birthday present..
On my first attempt, am i smart or what? Okay lah, quite common actually. So many of my friends got it on their first attempt.
But Dad still doesnt wanna let me drive. =(
Now now, can i have a car for my birthday pretty please?
Mom said she will buy me a small car over the phone this morning after i told her the good news. I was so happy i screamed, and she continued saying "a model toy car".
But still freaking happy lah. Now its time to psycho my dad to pass the keys over to me. HIAK HIAK.
Just woke up. Damn bored.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:19:00 pm
Friday, May 12
> Conversation between my dad and i
*Ring ring*
Yes?Eh your blog is what xiaxue ah?HUH XIAXUE? No lah! She's so famous.No meh? *laugh laugh* Then why her blog got your picture?HUH? What my picture?How come you look like her so much? Xiaxue not your blog meh?WAH LAU, she's so ugly lah *whines.She ugly meh? I thought since when you have a twin sister. Then your blog got put your picture?No Lah, i dont have blog.Oh, so Xiaxue is not your blog huh?No its not!!But you two really lookalike leh. *faintsEarly in the morning, got a great big shock from dad. -.-
Im supposed to be in Harbourfront by now but due to unforeseen circumstances, i woke up late and am now waiting for Denise that might take me about an hour later to get outta the house. Leroy must be damn upset waiting for us.
Can someone teach me how to psycho a person to do things you asked them to do? I cant seem to be able to psycho and persuade my sister to share cost and buy the NUM bag. I LOVE IT LOADS!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:16:00 am
Thursday, May 11
> im tagged!
Ive been tagged! By Ms dear Leanne. So here goes:
1. You can only say YES or NO.
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone comments and asks!
1. Taken a picture naked? No
2. Painted your room? No
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? No
4. Drove a car? Yes
5. Danced in front of your mirror? Yes
6. Had a crush? Yes
7. Been dumped? Yes
8. Stole money from friend? No
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Yes
10. Been in a fist fight? No
11. Snuck out of your house? Yes
12. Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yes
13. Been arrested? Yes
14. Made out with a stranger? No
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Yes
16. Left your house with out telling your parents? Yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbor? No
18. Ditched school to do something more fun? Yes
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Yes
20. Seen someone die? No
21. Been on a plane? Yes
22. Kissed a picture? yes
23. Slept in until 3PM? Yes
24. Love or miss someone right now? No
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yes
26. Made a snow angel? No
27. Played dress up? Yes
28. Cheated while playing a game? Yes
29. Been lonely? Yes
30. Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
31. Been to a club? Yes
32. Felt an earthquake? Yes
33. Touched a snake? Yes
34. Ran a red light? Yes
35. Been suspended from school? No
36. Had detention? Yes
37. Been in a car accident? No
38. Hated the way you look? Yes
39. Witnessed a crime? No
40. Pole danced? No
41. Been lost? Yes
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? No
43. Felt like dying? Yes
44. Cried yourself to sleep? Yes
45. Sang karaoke? Yes
46. Sucked your thumb? Yes
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes
48. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? No
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? No
50. Kissed in the rain? No
51. Sing in the shower? Yes
52. Made love in a park? No
53. Had a dream that you married someone? No
54. Glued your hand to something? No
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? No
57. Been a cheerleader? No
58. Sat on a roof top? Yes
59. Didn’t take a shower for a week? No
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Yes
61. Played chicken? Yes
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
63. Been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Yes
64. Broken a bone? No
65. Been easily amused? Yes
66. Laugh so hard you cry? Yes
67. Mooned/flashed someone? No
68. Cheated on a test? Yes
69. Forgotten someone’s name? Yes
70. Slept naked? No
71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool? No
72. Performed on stage? Yes
73. Blacked out from drinking? Yes
74. Played a prank on someone? Yes
75. Gone to a late night movie? Yes
76. Made love to anything not human? No
77. Failed a class? No
78. Choked on something you’re not supposed to eat? No
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? No
80. Cheated on a girl/boyfriend? Yes
81. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? No
82. Thrown strange objects? No
83. Felt like killing someone? Yes
84. Thought about running away? Yes
85. Ran away? Yes
86. Did drugs? No
87. Had detention and not attend it? No
88. Dumped anyone? Yes
89. Made a parent cry? Yes
90. Cried over someone? Yes
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies? No
92. Dated someone more than once? Yes
93. Have/had a dog? Yes
94. Own an instrument? Yes
95. Been in a band? No
96. Drank 25 sodas in a day? No
97. Broken a cd? No
98. Shot a gun? No
99. Dated a married person of the opposite sex? No
100. Written a love letter? No
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:03:00 am
Tuesday, May 9
> When the past starts haunting you once again, you fall into great depression.
I tried to go to sleep, i toss and turn in bed but Rainie Yang's new song - Ke Ai, had to just keep popping in my head. My mind was in a whirl, lots of thoughts started flowing back.
Its like i finally seek enlightenment to why im going to celebrate my 2 years of independence next week. Its just so personal i wont disclose too indepth.
One thing i know for sure, im not good enough for any good guy, neither do i wanna any bad guy to further hurt me.
I know Wayne had told me once that i shouldnt be feeling this way. And that i should put my past behind me and start anew. But easier said than done, i really cannot do it. My past haunts me inevitably and its one thing no one, no one in this whole world can ever understand what ive been through. The tremour, the phobia, the insecurities, the hurts, the pains, the tears, the blood. No one will ever comprehend how afraid i was, how frightened i got, how lost i felt, how paranoid i am, how.. (no, i shant go on..)
In life, there's only black and white, good and bad. No grey, no man standing between good and bad.
Of course i understand that no man is perfect, and every human being has their own pros and cons. But still, i feel there's only good and bad and nothing else in between.
Its true how lonely i can feel at times. Just like now when the entire house feels so empty as all are deeply asleep and only one insane pessimist over here who kept thinking and worrying over nothing. Which girl, almost turning 19, doesnt wanna love and be loved in return? Which girl, doesnt wanna glow with happiness? I do. Not that i kept rejecting guys because they dont fit perfectly in my books of criteria, but because i cant bring myself to accept any.
My life is screwed ever since 2 years ago. And thats a fact. Nothing can change what had happened and nothing will make it any better. Why! Why has it be me? Why must my life be ruined in the hands you? To you its nothing, but uve created great disorder in my life and i hate the way i feel about things now.
I swear im going to wake up with bad aches tomorrow on every part of my body. Jogging today with Denise and Edwin was one thing i never dream to do. 20 minutes of non stop jogging at the reservoir this evening and 50 sit ups aftermath. I swear i used up every ounce of my energy and was literally dying.
But this will go on till im eligible for Ms Singapore and win the Most Beautiful Body title. Byebye carrot legs, i dont ever want to see you again. (in my dreams prolly)
Dinner at Techno with Denise, Spermy, Weiquan, Mel and bf after a hard day's work. Im totally famished right now but i resisted from having supper because i wanna be on a strict diet. Say no to titbits, ice cream and supper today!
My tears hardened, i can no longer cry. You're more than a nightmare, you've practically took control over my life. Now im like a possessed young girl who's stucked with images of the past. I cant move forward and ive no where to seek shelter. Save me, i can hardly breathe.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:59:00 am
Monday, May 8
> Truth vs Lies.
I forced myself to sleep last night, only to wake up this morning feeling more crestfallen. Quit playing those games with me already, im no superwoman. Im just a vulnerable soul hiding behind a tough nut. I call that, the facade of me.
Tired of how this game goes, cant wait to get out of it. Cant wait to push the red button to an emergency stop, i need a breather.
Too much to say, too lost for words.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:39:00 am
Saturday, May 6
> Giving it all up.
And once again Amber is home on a Saturday night. Omg, this sucks like so damn much. I woke up at 7pm but am feeling sleepy all over again.
Helped out for the BSC event, Vibrant Life for the past 2 days. Though i wasnt of much help, but it was good meeting up with my beloved(s). Last night, KaiZhuan, Delong, Jing Cai and Jacq came over to my place for an overnight mahjong. The game ended at about 6am and they all collapsed on my sofa, floating into dreamland.
And of course, i wasnt granted the luxury to drag my carrot legs up to my room. I had to stay awake while they sleep because i know for sure my parents would start nagging if i were to leave them alone downstairs. Damn sleeply lah!
So Kai and Jacq left first. Allowed the 2 other pigs to carry on sleeping a little more since they had to go to work at 11am. Made breakfast for them and tried all ways and means to keep myself awake. It was hard work okay!
I really couldnt take it any longer in the end, my eyelids were like automatically shutting down already. Woke them up at 10am and hurried back to sleep when they left. Omg lah, im sure they're gonna faint.
One whole night of mahjong, but still lost money. Im so very bored now, but i dont know what to do. Too tired to get my tutorials done, too lazy to get out and meet some friends, too early to go to bed, nothing's nice on the television, no one is online to crap with me. oh gawd, life's a bitch.

Picture of me taken before heading down to Raffles Town Club last Sunday.

My sister and I.
BAH!! im boredddddddddddddddddd. Okay, im gonna watch the clips that Weiquan sent me a long time ago. I kept forgetting it. Finally finally!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:31:00 pm
Tuesday, May 2
> Insomnia once again.
I cant get to sleep. My mind is occupied with images of this somebody. Not that its like a mental torture, but its depriving me of my beauty rest. Not that i dont like thinking about him, but it doesnt feel too right to do so. Geez, i dont know.
p.s: no, i am not in love.I met up with Adrian last night after the family dinner. We had a good long talk by the river at Cosy Bay. 5 years of magical friendship, i love. Adrian told me that a girl shouldnt be too daring and "go after" a guy. But i remembered my sis once told me that guys these days likes girls that are initiative and make the first move.
I used to agree with what Adrian had said. So, more often than not, i hang up to sell. To the extent whereby i got stale and nobody bothers. So, i became more open minded and will at times, make the first move. But, somehow i feel that im overdoing it. And so, not stale, but an irritant.
Its so hard to just please somebody, isnt it?
Anyway, not to get off the tangent, i dont know if i should make the first move now. He isnt really the kinda guy that i would go for and be my cuppa tea, but talking to him makes me very comfortable and he left me a really good impression of himself. He's understanding and nice, been through lots of things in life, knows the best for his future, know when to be humourous or serious and yaddayaddadeh.
And i always tell people this "yes, i have really high expectations of my future boyfriend because i have high expectations of every thing in life. But when it comes to love and emotions sets in, there aint any room left for expectations. Its all about feelings and criterias would become nothing."
But you know what? I wish he gets off my mind soon and that he in my life, is just another passerby. Because im so afraid, that it will turn out to be another fiasco.
Ive had enough of such for the past 2 years. Thank you but i dont wish to go through the same thing ever again.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:36:00 am